Saturday, June 27, 2009


Well, we're all here. I(Brent) got in Thursday night, and the rest of the team arrived to Donetsk this afternoon at about 4P.M. (8A.M. central time) and after a 2 hour van ride everyone finally arrived to Mariupol, the end of what had been a journey of nearly 24 hours. This evening we ate together at the church flat, the apartment where the women will be staying, and tomorrow morning we will meet in the same building for Sunday morning worship, and in the afternoon we will have our "information meeting" where we will explain how LST works, and actually schedule people for times when they can study during the next two weeks. Because of a slight mix-up in the dates on the fliers announcing this LST campaign, we have already scheduled a few readers who showed up at the building yesterday thinking that it was actually the first day of the campaign. Thankfully after explaining the situation, we were able to get things sorted out, and most all of them have now scheduled a time to read with us starting Monday. Monday will be the first day of reading and from that point on we will have people coming every day, so things are getting started quick. The schedule problem worried us at first, but it really has turned out to be a blessing, since we now have almost 20 readers signed up, and the team just got here today! We are hoping that more and more people will wander in as time goes on.

We're tired and slightly disoriented, but thankful to be here, and excited about what's in store. Already God has brought good out of something that initially looked like a problem, and I know he will continue to work in every situation for His glory. We will continue to share with you as new things happen, but for now we thank God that we have made it safely, and look forward to what He will do in the next two weeks!

Love and thanks...


  1. Hello Everyone,

    This is Tommie. I am so thankful to each of you for praying for us and helping to send us here on this mission to serve God.

    The people are treating us like family members already. As of our information meeting today, we each have 7 readers with Hal taking on two. That gives us 37 readers already! Thank you God! Talk about blessings, the women at the church are going to cook some of our meals for us while we're working on readers. Isn't that great! And we're going to cook a meal for the teen orphans one day next week. We had about 90 memebers in church today. Yes, I'm jumping around with my thoughts, but y'all know how hyper I am! Ha!

    To my family, I love you all and miss y'all a lot. Boys, make sure your dad doesn't work out in the sun in the yard too long! Rachel, a couple of the women remember you from your trip here. Write me an email to tell me how all the men in my life are behaving themselves.

    I feel blessed to be here with this group of people. Everyone is doing great! God is already using our talents. Brent speaks spanish to a woman and her son interpets some in Russian! This family lived in Argentina for a few years and speaks spanish as well as Russian. Virginia, Hal is a great help and is keeping us lifted up in prayer!

    Gotta go, Brent is going to kill me for reporting on this! Ha!


  2. Sounds like you all are doing great. God is working through you and the circumstances in mighty ways. I'm praying for stamina for all of you as you prepare for long days with your readers. May many come to know Him.....Terri

  3. Sounds like y'all are having too much fun already! We are very glad everything went well and you have a running start. Keep those readers coming!!!

    Say hello to everyone from Tanya!
    Love you guys!
    Jake and Tanya

  4. Good to hear you all arrived safe and sound.
    Hope Sherry found someone to talk to on the plane. lol
    May you all be a wonderful blessing to everyone you meet there, as you are to all of us here at home.
    Luv ya,

  5. Hi everyone! I am so thankful that you all arrived safely and that things are getting off to a great start. I'm sure it is very exciting for you. Enjoy your time there and be sure to get some rest. Those long days will catch up with you if you're not careful! Hugs to all and kisses to little brother and Gpa!

    Love you all,
    Christine (and Brett & Campbell)

  6. So happy to read this report and to hear of the great things already happening in Mariupol since your arrival! God bless each and every one of you in your work and may God bless the relationships you develop with your readers, that they may come to know and believe in the power of the cross. Love to you all!

